Blue Green Algae Test

Precision in the Palm of Your Hand Tests up to 1 μg/L to 100 μg/L accuracy in 10 minutes

Affordable Test at $99 for a pack of 3 Premium Tests

Fully Portable with each test fitting in the palm of your hands

100% Environmentally Friendly materials

Quick, Affordable and Easy to use Test
You can’t ask for anything more

We have spent over 5 years developing the BlueGreenTest to be accurate, affordable
and accessible for all farmers and communities

How to Perform the Test – Detailed Instructions

  1. Fill the container with the water intended for testing
  2. Open one of the test kits, take a test casssette (C) and place it on a flat surface.
  3. Place the closed test package box on a flat surface and open a perforated hole in the box for the sample jar.
  4. Cover your hands with disposable gloves. Always use the gloves when handling the wet sample jar. Water may splash out of the jar when it heats up, so keep paper or hand towels at hand.
  5. Immerse the sample jar (A) in the water container and keep it submerged in an inclinced position for about 15 seconds. Take care that also the hole in the middle of the lid fills up with water in order for the test to function.
  6. Place the water-filled sample jar in the hole on the package box. A chemical reaction will heat up the sample jar, so beware of the hot steam that flows!
  7. Wait for at least 10 minutes.
  8. Using the pipette (B), draw up water from the middle hole of the sample jar. Drop three (3) drops into the smaller hole on the test cassette (C).
  9. Wait for 5 Minutes, until 1 or 2 lines appear on the test cassette.

More than just Quality Water.
It’s peace of mind.

Results Instantly

No more waiting 2-5 days for lab results

Instead of sending your samples off to a lab to be tested the
BlueGreenTest give you results in 15 minutes with no hassle.

Environmentally Friendly

Made from Quality Environmentally Friendly Material

All tests are made from biodegradable ensure disposal of the test has no environmental impact and doesn’t contribute to additional waste

No Additional Training or Experience

Quick and Easy to Use Straight from the Box

The test is designed to be used by anyone, it is simple to use and doesn’t require any additional training, experience or expertise to complete the accurate test that only lab technicians previously did.

Compare the Difference


The BlueGreenTest will change the way you test for hepatotoxins


15 minutes
1 μg/L to 100 μg/L*

Time for Results
Cost per Test
Test Performed By

Traditional Lab Test

2-5 Days
$200 – $400
Lab Technicians
0.03 μg/L to 20 μg/L

* minimum detection limit of the test can be expanded to below < 1 μg/L, if required

Why Farmers love using BlueGreenTest

Ben is third generation cattle farmer in New South Wales’ West and has used the traditional method
of testing toxins for over 20 years. Since using BlueGreenTest, it has changed the way they
do the tests to give Ben more time on the Farm.

A Test You Can Rely On,
Without Breaking the Bank

Get Your BlueGreenTest Now

Stockist List will be updated Shortly

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